upcycled easter

We are still loving the idea of using what you have on hand, re-using what can be given a second purpose, and cutting back as far as possible on cheap, imported, high carbon-cost decor. Bein’ that it is Spring and we turn to all things renewing, we are going entirely renewable. Take an old wool coat and rehabilitate it as your bunny!

This fellow is stuffed with chopped up, mismatched socks. The carrots are spindles, twine, and last year’s Easter grass combined.

Simple stamped cards to send your happiest thoughts. Stamp and embellish with markers, stickers, or paint.

Wool coat bunny showing the simple, sturdy construction.

We thought he looked a bit downcast, so we brightened him up with needle felted wool accents.

A leftover yarn “ribbon,” and Rabbit is ready!


this IS a spring chicken


be nice. be kind. even when.