we are probably not for you

You've got it together — baking your own bread, pickling homegrown veg. Your holiday parties? Sparkly perfection. Outfits, pose, lighting — all on point. You make it look easy, and we admire you. Us? Well, we have made a few mistakes. More than 35 years developing innovative ideas, skill sets, and a host of co-creatives, taught us how to keep going. When the cake hits the floor, grab a spoon and dig in with us.

We are the legion of frustrated DIYers and bootstrap babes, trying to make do with (fill in here). Creatives thrive under pressure and within limitations, and you can too. This is a place for help and hints. We’ve been there, done that, have the scars to prove it. We messed up, we learned. And now we’re here to help you prep, plan, and creative your way in and out of any project, doing more with less. When you’re out of ideas — or funds — we got you.

styling & staging

tips, trends, and advice for all budgets — and no budgets.

Styling is the everyday aesthetic of balanced beauty. Staging is a concept best applied to temporary design opportunities wherein some theatricality is encouraged: property sales or rentals, holiday decor. The question is “do you love your things?” — if you love your things, do you want to make your space work for YOU? Here’s the big thing — It’s not the clutter. It’s how the clutter occupies the space. Read on…

event planning & prep

What and how to pack. How to build for success. From first aid to last steps, we’ve got you covered.

It’s happened. Somebody somewhere is having a thing: a marriage, a party, a (word needed). And they need you! An EVENT has hit you in the forehead like a big ol’ wet fish. Now what? Events are one of the few places where you start, not at the beginning, but at the ending. We’ll show you how to ensure a happy one. Let’s get started.

floral design & care

weddings, photo shoots, holidays, tabletops and more.

What are we using today? You’ve gone out to your expansive cutting gardens and have an array of fragrant, colorful materials with which to work… what’s that you say? No? You bought a bunch of Costco flowers and are hoping for the best? All good, friends. Either way works. Trust. But just as a cake doesn’t start with the icing, floral arranging begins way before the flowers themselves. Start here.