fast halloween costume: recycled robot

We know it is on the calendar on the same day EACH year… not like Easter, which wanders around Spring dependent on moons and traditions. It’s not like we have to sing the “30 Days HATH September” song. This is it. The BIG 31… we are yapping on about Halloween, of course. October 31st. HELL—ooo: All Hallow’s Eve. A super holiday for Creatives everywhere where it is celebrated. And yet…EVERY year we get down to the wire with what the heck are we going to wear? Or send the kids out in? (And, oh shoot, need to buy some candy— but not TOO soon or it won’t make it to the big day! We are looking at you, Reese’s peanut butter cups.)

For fun, fast and easy costumes, rev up your imagination and raid the recycling bin and kitchen drawers! Here is a tutorial for Robbie, the Recycled Robot. Your guy can and should look different— just use what you have and what you find in the back of the pantry or the Everything Drawer in the kitchen— you know you have one!

Step 1— Assemble some likely materials and create a work space.

In order to create our Robbie Robot costume, we cut the sides out of two kraft paper grocery bags, turned them inside out so no writing was visible and taped them together. It helped to visualize the design to lay the costume robot “tunic” over a sturdy cardboard box turned on its side. We covered two of the cut out sides of the grocery bags in aluminum foil. They will become the adjustable sides of the robot. Then we covered the sandwiched bags that form the front and back of the robot in foil, leaving the top uncovered as that part will be cut out and folded back to fit over the costume wearer’s head.

Grocery bag sides being covered in foil and tape.

Covering the bag “tunic” with foil and tape. It was helpful to have silver duct tape, but regular invisible tape would work as well! We put a dinner plate down on the top of our tunic to draw the circle that will be cut out to go over the head.

The idea is for the creator to enjoy the PROCESS without seeking perfection!

We pulled some things from the pantry, kitchen drawers, wrapping pile, and garage to create robot decoration— reflective material is a bonus for night time trick or treating!

Our fast process for creating Robbie the Robot is great for kids, but can be adjusted for older kids and grown ups.

When all the grocery bag “tunic” is securely covered with foil and tape, cut into the dinner plate circle at the top and carefully fold back the edges to the inside of the “tunic." Secure the edges all the way around with tape.

At this point, try the tunic on the costume wearer to make sure the opening at the top is wide enough to slip over the head. Also, hold up the two foil-covered side pieces to the edge of the base of the front of the “tunic.” Wrapping each side piece towards the back of the “tunic” on the wearer, mark where the the side pieces land on the back. This is where an attachment will be placed so that the costume fits securely and can be removed. We used large chenille stems curled on the back side of the “tunic" and poked through to the front and then through each side piece. A simple curl of the chenille stem forms a removable “button” holding the sides in place!

Using duct tape for a secure hold, we attached a recycled styrofoam box lid over a small LED light string, reflectors and other bits to add to Robbie’s verisimilitude — but anything or nothing will do! (“tunic” shown draped on top of the a sturdy cardboard box to check placement)

Add simple robot makeup or an aluminum foil covered headband for a young child and Robbie is ready to rock out the door in this low cost, simple, adjustable and lightweight homemade Halloween costume!


adjusting Robbie the Recycle Robot for older kids or grown ups


fast & easy halloween costumes are close as the recycle bin