fast & easy halloween costumes are close as the recycle bin

All Hallow’s Eve is just around the corner and everyone is thinking about costume possibilities— even these guys!

Revived melty candle. See the full how-to here.

Dressed up for the day (and the day after!) Inspired by #CreativeSprint post by @icklewitch.

Claire Garland knit pattern black cat and white mouse. See more patterns in her Etsy shop.

Going as twins this year! Knit cat mask.

Coming up with a costume, any costume can be taxing enough, but it isn’t always easy to get out and shop these days… Ordering online is a good option, but sometimes time or money is tight. Sometimes a good solution is as close as the recycle bin!

Last Minute Costume Kit (helpful items)

• brain (non zombified preferred, but, eh, it’ll do)

• the internets (if you must, in small doses only— waaaay too many ideas out there)

• kraft paper, grocery bags

• color construction paper or felt

• tacky glue — saves SO much time attaching

• glue gun (so-so on these g-darned painful implements of frustration and strings of glue)

• small sewing kit

• string/twine

• strong tape, any tape


Now... think outside the box of preconceived notions and DO NOT under ANY circumstances appropriate sensitive cultural identities!! If you are unsure, just don’t do it.

However, have at it with gnomes, sprites, elves, natural elementals, etc... or sort-of-grown-up Groot thingys...

Be a little weird… We don’t always get a day. This is ours.


fast halloween costume: recycled robot


still holding fast to Fall