truly doable last minute holiday gifts

Down to the wire with a few holiday gifts? Hello, you gorgeous normal human, you. We got you on this, hon. Here are some truly manageable presents for when you are down to the fa-la-laing g-darned wire.

Bake something from a box— but put it in a reusable container like this breakfast bread with added cranberries, orange zest, and —duly labeled for the allergy potential— nuts, delivered in a fluted baking dish (ready to re-gift this year or next).

Ye Olde Fruit Bowl, Basket or Box is really a welcome gift for the classic ring and run. Fruit is pretty durable when placed on the porch as long as it is not below zero. Including lots of immune system boosting citrus is an especially good idea this year of all years. Make it extra EXTRA by adding a pineapple. Perfect for the background of your ZOOM interview, right RoomRater?

Don’t have baking skills or time to spend? Buy commercial cookies and dip them in melted chocolate. Semi-sweet morsels in a microwave safe bowl can be melted in minute or two. Lightly coat an aluminum foil sheet with cooking spray or spread a thin layer of vegetable on foil or cookie sheet. Partially dip cookies in melted chocolate and place on treated sheet or pan to harden. For additional flavor or interest, sprinkle on chopped nuts, chopped candied ginger, or orange or tangerine zest while the chocolate is still soft.

Print out or write up a certificate for future gardening sesh in person or Zoomalong. Include seed packets or planting plan with types of plants found nearby and where they can go.

Divide houseplants to share.

Some other suggestions that are always welcome:

  • Commit to print and inexpensively frame or digicube family or friend pictures, especially for someone who struggles with technology.

  • Send a donation to the animal shelter or food bank nearest to the gift recipient in their name— or to any charity you know that they hold dear.

  • Contract with a service to provide and essential service for a shut-in or family who is isolating… meals, cleaning, deliveries, yard services, mobile pet grooming are all good choices.

  • Pay for a subscription to an online newspaper or local print edition because supporting real journalism matters.

  • Handmade artwork or cards from kids or grandkids are always heartwarming, welcome surprises.

  • A mason jar filled with the dry ingredients from your favorite cookie recipe, along with instructions, and a simple bow or tag never disappoints.


chocolate is the only true currency…


hat ornament upgrade: gnome big deal