fresh evergreen wreath part 2: putting it all together

Spend some time with the wreath base you want to amend and decorate— look at it from every angle to assess where judicious editing of wild ass branch construction will help with overall balance. Truly, it is a rare piece that comes into the workshop that doesn’t need a little grooming!

Trim leggy branches and anything that looks wilty or sad, clip out areas that are overrepresented, and add in where branches are thin. A turntable or lazy susan on the work surface helps with this process immensely. Once the base is in overall good shape, turn it over and put a strong holder on the back— preferably wire and preferably in a contrasting color to the wreath itself so it is easy to locate. Do this BEFORE you spend an enormous amount of time wiring and gluing potentially crushable decor to the the front of the wreath. Trust.

Assemble the greens to amend the basic base. We suggest picking greens a day or two ahead of wreath production, placing the cut branches into water and allowing the greens to harden off —or condition— before use.

Then pick, wire, or glue branches of greens around the whole wreath until it is full and fluffy.

We customize wreath orders to suit their new homes. Have fun and be creative with elements on your own!

These are ready to ship— same base, completely different looks:

ANY wreath base benefits from attention to balance. As we can attest when we play: Faux or No? on a front door.


clever no-sew hat ornament from leftovers


fresh evergreen wreath part 1: prepping material