winning entry: introduction

How do you create a welcoming approach to your own abode or staged property? Start with the story you want to tell. The message you want conveyed will begin unrolling with the first view by guests or potential buyers. Conventionally known as “curb appeal,” this view sets up expectations for how the property is perceived. Tidy, but messy-ish in the right, naturalistic way, balanced, properly lit and easy to approach, the front porch, deck, stoop, or landing SHOULD, introductions being made and cartes-de-visite properly exchanged, usher the visitor through a congenial portal into a gracious space within.

Shut The Front Door!

It’s THAT easy?

Well, generally speaking, yes. Again, how is this accomplished? We recommend taking it step by step…

Ah ha ha… hum.. whoo boy. Sometimes we crack ourselves up…

Also, we are not seeking sterile perfection, but progression...

In truth, setting up a winning entry does consist of a series of stages as well as staging. Contrast large elements with small, combine and cluster pots of fresh plants with small additions of seasonal decor. This may mean raising up certain elements and adding in a small amount of contrasting color.

Symmetry has its place in the design world and matching pairs of containers for live plants exude a sense of formality demarcating the FRONT DOOR. We like to goose…ahem.. the staid regularity slightly in favor of whimsy by adding a touch to one side or other: another, smaller, planter or garden sculpture.

Plantings well suited to containers with a punch of color… the Fall Y’all police might see a violation but we are happy with a violet nation… ok. pink. pink nation. And these are impatiens, but so are we with conforming to strict ideas of “seasonal.”

Set a scene for an event with faux material combined with the natural.

Check out our Pinterest board “Winning Entry” for more ideas and suggestions!

…and the award for Winning Entry for 2020 here at Cordelia and Co Design goes to (we are a leeetle more open now… but not much)


Five smells for the love of Fall, that are not Pumpkin


faux or no: fool the eye for long lasting effect in staging