bored of boards? enter the mood bowl

A mood bowl picked for an Autumn mood.

A mood bowl picked for an Autumn mood.

We’re all familiar with mood boards. And if you’re familiar with working with clients, then you know how helpful, and often necessary, having a tangible set of inspiration bits can be to aid moving from idea to visualization. A lot of people struggle to envision how a design will come together, and shy of some impressive psychic ability, we can’t expect others to know where a project is headed if it’s only, well, in our head.

Mood board example, created for a client’s guest bedroom.

Mood board example, created for a client’s guest bedroom.

The above mood board, circa 2010 comprising natural linen hopsack with indigo dye pattern over silk check curtain fabric, and maize-inspired colors like Beeswax and chestnut-y colors like Old Gold (pictured here as paint “chips”). You probably recognize many of the hues as they’ve cycled back in style.

When planning a new scene, we’re big fans of the mood bowl. Spying and sorting through little bits to add to the collection, placing them all together in a creative cauldron is a tactile and satisfying ritual. It’s like handpicking only the best ingredients for some creation yet to be concocted. Highly recommend. And, bonus points, these beauty bowls can double as decor.


intro to building creativity


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