christmas, christmas! it’s time for amaryllis

Options abound for purchasing living and giftable holiday florals. Amaryllis and narcissus bulbs are easy to add in to Christmas decor.

Try novel and unusual containers for displaying holiday bulbs. The thrift store is a perfect spot for hunting up bargain containers. Line anything that is not waterproof. Fill the lined container with rocks or potting soil and place roots down into rocks, or more of the bulb into soil.

Plastic liner for container. Cut kraft paper shreds to disguise the tops of bulbs.

Most bulb plants will need some sort of support as they grow tall. Branches pulled from the outdoors work as well as commercially available options.

Branches add interest while you wait for blooms.

🍅 pin tomato tips 🍅

Choose bulbs at different stages of development in order to have blooms into January.

Save bulbs for next year by cutting back spent leaves, allowing substrate to dry out, and place in a cool, dark location. Bring out pots at least 6 weeks before use, water, and place in sunshine. Hint: keep tags with pots to identify color and type of blooms!


fresh evergreen wreath part 1: prepping material


Interregnum: Time for the Regular Reminder to Breathe