times slows in winter but blows on

Here we sit, in the sullen frozen start of the year.

Time is abundant when locked back in for virus reasons and weather season, so we make lists, and timetables and dream of the things that turn and stir under a warm blanket of earth.

A good time to prepare for changes on the way. Troops of birds blew through before the wind the other day, ahead of the snow. Groups of cedar waxwings, North American robins, jays, crows… all feasting on what was planted with them in mind. Such a treat to hear their happy chatter as they filled the branches, stripped the berries and fruits, and filled their bellies.

Do your bird friends a favor and plant native varieties that grow over time to feed the native birds. Bird feeders, though a great draw to view many birds, have become associated with infective processes — so we are told to either disinfect regularly, or better still, plant species which will feed the birds naturally.

Look for resources to identify native plants in your area!

We have planted native Winterberry, Inkberry, Serviceberry, Crabapple, Viburnum, Native American Holly, and let the Elderberry, Chokeberry, Poke and Hackberry alone on the verges to thrive and fruit.
Yes, we cut them some for holiday dec, but like Robert Lawson said in his sweet book, Rabbit Hill, we plant “enough for all!”

Soak in the low angle sun streaming in. The globe turns back eventually to spring and sprouts! The pivot of Imbolc is upon us. Time to move on!


Valentine's, Pal O'Mine


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