Cordelia & Co Cordelia & Co

join the #creativesprint community

By now you’ve picked up that we love all things Fall. You might not know that one of the things we love about October is that it is home to a month-long set of creative challenges that inspire and delight us while limbering up and strengthening our creative muscles. Creative Sprint began in 2015 and offers a free, annual 30-day program of creative prompts and community engagement. Rest assured: “You don't need any special skills, abilities or materials to get started. You just need to commit 5 minutes a day and we'll help you do the rest.” 

We sprint on Instagram, and marvel at the daily #creativesprint posts. Here’s an example of the prompt from Day 1. “Make something that fits in the palm of your hand using only materials found in your immediate environment.” 

The beginning for the beginning… The scaffold, chemile stem bones of proportion. The framework of a friend on his way to becoming. 


This little dude helped us out on Day 10, too, when the prompt was “Make something by tearing, ripping, or poking holes.”

Here’s Rover, now decked out in ripped, recombined wool roving, poked with felting needle. 


You’ve got five minutes. Come create with us! Sign up at and create your way through the rest of the month… and beyond! 

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Cordelia & Co Cordelia & Co

intro to building creativity

Anyone who knows us, knows we thrive in autumn. Is it the crispness of the cooler, drier air? The riot of color as an absolute exultation of color vision? Some atavistic understanding that you’d best have fun while the sun shines because there are darker days ahead? Yes. All of those. But also the concentrated celebration of creativity that unleashes in our part of the world at this time of year. In this short span, each month culminates in a fantastic holiday for artistic types: Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas plus the December Holiday Season— whether or not attached to a religion connotation, there is no doubt, Revels in this portion of the calendar are part of our cultural identity.


What? How does Fall run into the December Holiday Season?? Astronomically, of course. While meteorologically, Winter begins December first, the end of Autumn, the winter solstice, happens December 21… on an otherwise unassuming Tuesday at 10:59 in the AM in our neck o’the woods, to be precise. So the Longest Night, the Shortest Day, heralded with Lucy’s light, opening of the Henges and cries of “Roll Tide” (Yule, in this instance) is close enough to fall to lump right in for creative types. This is OUR time, friends. With closets and attics and bins all flung wide, we are allowed, nay culturally openly encouraged, to ADORN ALL THE SURFACES! For a lot of us, a veritable decoration extravaganza ensues. We parade out theme-y things: Fall-y then Halloweenish, then, once those are wrangled back into boxes, we traipse out with glory and glitter, tinsel and greens, bells, bows and liiiiigggghts!!

Fun, right? Unless it feels like a competition. Decorating for holidays should be solid fun not trial by proxy on Internet sites (unless you are in a neighborhood with a competition, then it is a competition— and it is ON).

Every year the sphere turns on its axis unrelentingly cheerful towards this time of year… and then Boom. The Pandemic hit. Then it stuck around. All of us had to revise and rethink celebrations. With the admirable can-do of a nation known for creative responses, we did just that. Remember? Remember we, and you, and all of us, rose to that occasion and those Occasions became different, but still full of family and love. We all need to revisit our own resourcefulness despite the push to return to Before, we are not all out of this thing yet. We can, however, CHOOSE how we respond.

We are celebrating all y’all who dug in and made do. (If you hunkered down and did nothing? We love you too. Judgement-free zone here). Maybe you and your inventive energies are on low battery mode. The current situation IS kind of a lot. Herewith some beginning stretches for imagination mode.

We are in the middle of generation-defining moment. World changing events reach right into our own lives and homes on the daily redefining what is normal— or even available. We are starting small. Repainting the door we wrecked with Clorox in the first part of lock down… Taking Grandpa for that booster shot… venturing to the farmers’ market for apples and decorative veg, for gourdness sake.


Want some help retooling? Follow along...

Starter Box of Tools for Creative Thinking
Take your left arm and wrapping it firmly around yourself. Now take your right arm and, overlapping your left, wrap it around. Now give yourself a big ol’ hug for doing anything, any single thing creative. Even just thinking about it, however fleetingly. You are doing great, Beauty, you are.

Walk outside away from others, if safe— the very air is good for brain function.

Spend some time thinking now about what is important to you and yours. Sounds basic, but make a list!
Check it twice…. ha ha! No, really. Put the first list away. In a week, make the list again. What resonates?

Define areas to decorate.
If you are a whole house type— good on ya! But for some of us, the holidays are overwhelming. Keeping decor to certain areas ratchets down the angst level from eleven.

Decide not to purchase but to create.
If it is fun and not an Instagrammable Moment where getting things “right” takes over. Perfectionism is surmountable, but it is tough! Acknowledging you have a problem is the first step.
If you have to purchase anything, try local (farm markets, craft fairs, second market from resale or thrift stores)

Process not Product.

For curated creative ideas, have a look at our Pinterest boards:
Fresh Holiday
DIY on a Dollar
Pumpkin to Talk About

Or, read about a few creativity exercises to flex your artistic muscles and grow your interest.

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